Precision Assurance: Elevate Your Software Excellence with Our QA Services

End to End Quality Analysis Services.

Experience excellence with our End-to-End Quality Analysis Services. From strategic planning to post-deployment support, we ensure a flawless software experience. Elevate reliability, performance, and user satisfaction with our dedicated QA experts. Partner with us for transformative testing that sets your software apart.

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Our Testing Services

We specialize in building softwares of top-notch quality.

iOS App Testing

AquSag Technologies adopts a systematic approach to iOS app testing, covering all aspects of your application's quality. Our methodology spans from the initial concept to post-launch support, ensuring your app performs flawlessly throughout its lifecycle.

Android App Testing

AquSag Technologies adopts a systematic approach to Android app testing, covering all aspects of your application's quality. Our methodology spans from the initial concept to post-launch support, ensuring your app performs flawlessly throughout its lifecycle.

Test Automation and Optimization

Our Software Testing Automation and Optimization Services focus on automating repetitive testing processes and optimizing the overall quality assurance workflow.

Performance Testing

Our Software Performance Testing and Load Testing services focus on assessing your software's ability to perform under various conditions, from peak loads to resource constraints. We employ a systematic approach to evaluate every aspect of your software's performance

Functional Testing

Our Software Functional Testing Services are designed to assess every aspect of your software's functionality, ensuring that it meets its objectives and adheres to business requirements.

API Testing

Our API Testing Services focus on assessing the functionality, performance, security, and reliability of your APIs. We employ a systematic approach to evaluate every aspect of API functionality and interaction.

Database Testing

Our Database Testing Services focus on assessing the functionality, performance, security, and reliability of your databases. We employ a systematic approach to evaluate every aspect of database functionality and interaction.

UI/UX Testing

Our UI/UX Testing Services focus on assessing the functionality, design, and overall user experience of your website or application. We utilize a structured approach to evaluate every aspect of the UI/UX design.

Responsive Testing

Our Responsive Testing Services focus on assessing the performance and functionality of your website or application across a diverse range of devices and screen sizes. We utilize a systematic approach to evaluate every aspect of responsiveness.

Latest Technology and Tools


For automated functional testing of web applications.


For mobile application automation testing.

JIRA and TestRail

For test management and bug tracking.

JMeter and Gatling

For performance testing.


For security testing and vulnerability assessment.